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Join us for EEAI's 2025 Annual Conference!

November 14th - 16th

Clifty Falls State Park

Conference Theme


Using Environmental Education to Shape Our World

Presenter sessions and field trips will focus on four tracks that will complement our conference setting in beautiful southern Indiana!

Registration Coming Soon

Connections - Fostering Inclusivity: Nature and nature education are for everyone!  This track will focus on how we can ensure that ALL Hoosiers have access to quality environmental education and outdoor learning opportunities. 

Bridging - Connecting the Classroom to Nature: Environmental education is possible in any setting!  Explore opportunities for outdoor education at schools with limited green space and how building partnerships between schools and community organizations can make rich EE experiences possible.

Bedrock - Mental Health, the Bedrock of Our Wellbeing:  Spending time immersed in nature has proven benefits for our mental health.  This track will explore the connection between nature and wellness.

Geology and GeomorphologyThis year's technical track will focus on the unique geological formations in this part of Southern Indiana and the processes that help shape the natural landscape.  Get tools for bringing these topics into the classroom! 


"From Fear to Fascination"

The Bug Chicks

Kristie Reddick and Jessica Honaker

"We used to be afraid of bugs. But learning about the thing you’re afraid of changes fear to fascination. We are here to help you change your relationship with bugs.

Kindness and respect are important at home, in the classroom and the boardroom. Our workshops, trainings and curricula foster empathy for ourselves, others and the natural world using the world’s greatest teachers - BUGS!"

Kristie Reddick, M.S. is an entomologist, award-winning university lecturer and educational media specialist. Her research focuses on the biology, biodiversity, and distribution of solifuge arachnids in Kenya. She described the first male of the genus Tarabulida. After she received her Masters degree from Texas A&M University she lectured a course called Insects and Human Society, that explored how insects have shaped human history and culture. She wants to train teachers in refugee camps to use insects as educational resources.

Jessica Honaker, M.S. is an entomologist and science illustrator whose research focuses on integrated pest management and the effect of honeydew production by blackmargined aphids in pecan agro-ecosystems. She received her Master’s degree from Texas A&M University and her research on pecan aphids is helping to establish new pest control parameters for farmers in eastern Texas. She plans to continue her work in an effort to reduce reliance on pesticides in developing countries.

Venue & Lodging

Thank you to Clifty Falls State Park for providing an amazing setting for this year's conference!

The park's 425-million-year-old rock formations, waterfalls and fossils offer the perfect backdrop for this year's conference theme: "Formations."  You'll have time to enjoy the park on your own and through guided tours as part of the conference program.

Conference sessions and meals will take place in the beautiful Clifty Inn, overlooking the Ohio River.  Rooms are available to reserve at a special rate using the conference code 1113EE.  Book your room by October 14th to receive our discounted room rate.  If you'd like to share a room, you can use this page to find a roommate for the weekend.  Conference attendees can use this sheet to coordinate with others interested in sharing lodging or carpooling for the weekend.  It is up to conference attendees to use the information on the form to coordinate with one another directly.  If you'd rather camp, you can find the campground map here and reserve your site using the DNR's Reservation System.  There will be opportunities for guided hikes and personal exploration in the park throughout the weekend.  Find park maps and more here.

Student Programming

Network with current EE professionals.  Meet students from schools around the state.  Build your resume by presenting your original research.

Get paired with a mentor for the weekend... and beyond!  Students and early-career professionals can request to be paired with a professional whose work experience aligns with your interests.  We'll provide time during the conference for mentors and mentees to get to know one another, and guidance for continuing your engagement beyond the weekend together.  Indicate on your registration form that you'd like to be paired with a mentor and use this sheet to share your interests with us, so we can find the right fit!

Present your work in a student poster session.  Students can share their projects and research with a professional audience through EEAI's poster session, held alongside the silent auction on Saturday night.  Participants are invited to display a poster no larger than 36 x 48 inches that details a current research project, student-led program, internship, field study or other initiative related to Environmental Education.  Students should be prepared to give a brief overview of their work and respond to questions posed by other conference attendees.  Indicate on your registration form that you'd like to participate.  Please note that formats other than posters, including digital presentations, cannot be supported. 

The Fun Stuff

Our annual conference isn't JUST about learning.  We have a lot of fun when we get together, too!

Join in on long-standing EEAI conference traditions and help us establish some new ones!

Friday Night Social/EEAI's Got Talent & Songwriting Contest:  The annual talent contest is a conference favorite.  Attendees can put their talents on display - singing, poetry, dancing, harmonica playing - whatever your talent is, we want to experience it!  An environmental themed presentation is sure to take top accolades, with bonus points awarded if your performance complements the conference theme.  We'll have exclusive access to the Clifty Inn campfire circle - the perfect place to lead the group in a singalong or share a spooky ghost story.

EEAI Awards: Each year, EEAI honors outstanding educators for their service to the field of environmental education in Indiana.  Do you know of an educator you'd like to nominate?  Visit our awards page to learn more about each of the honors and use this form to submit a nomination.  Award nominations are due no later than October 1st, 2025 and honorees will be announced during dinner on Saturday night.

Silent Auction: The auction will take place in person on Saturday afternoon and evening.  Items need to be dropped off at the registration table no later than noon on Saturday, so we have time to organize the auction before that evening's events.

Free Table: Mugs, curriculum, books, magazine, posters, and more.  Bring something to share and take something home!

Search and Win:  Back by popular demand, we'll host a weekend-long game of hide and seek!  Collect as many hidden gems as you can throughout the weekend.  The person with the biggest collection on Saturday night will win a fabulous EEAI prize!

Links and Registration Coming Soon!

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