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Jenna Wait presenting the 2023 Michaud Award to Krista Daniels
Mary Cutler presenting the 2023 Joe Wright Award to Diane Lehman and Jolene Freeman
This Award is given to an individual in recognition of their long-term devotion, dedication, and contributions to environmental education in the state of Indiana.
Howard Michaud began his career as a biology teacher in northeast Indiana, working summers as the first chief naturalist for the Indiana Division of State Parks. He then became a professor of conservation at Purdue University, where he stayed from 1946 to 1971. He was a founding father and officer of many conservation education organizations, including EEAI, and has been recognized in “Leaders of American Conservation” and “Who’s Who In America”. Howard Michaud was also named the first recipient of the Theodore Roosevelt award for an outstanding career in education in 1993. Howard’s contributions to conservation and environmental education have been an inspiration and model for all of those who follow. Anyone who has made a long time commitment in the field of environmental education can be nominated for this award. An individual need not be a member of EEAI to be nominated.
The Joe Wright Award
The Doug Waldman President's Award
The recipients of the Doug Waldman President’s Award are selected by the current president of EEAI in recognition of their assistance to the organization or contributions to the field of environmental education during the past year. This award is given at the discretion of the president and may not be presented every year. A recipient need not be a member of EEAI.
The Sam Carman-Warren Gartner Cornerstone Award
Beginning in 2019, EEAI has given the Sam Carman-Warren Gartner Cornerstone Award to recognize individuals who have greatly benefited EEAI over many years. Recipients of this award have been members of EEAI and contributed to the organization substantially.
Sam Carman and Warren Gartner highly impacted EEAI and were highly respected environmental educators in Indiana, Sam through his work with Project Learning Tree and Warren with Project WET and Project WILD. These gentlemen were truly cornerstones of EEAI for many years. This award is Given only sporadically to members who have greatly benefited EEAI over many years. Recipients do not need to be a current member of EEAI but should have a long-standing relationship with EEAI.
Nomination: If you would like to nominate someone for either the Howard Michaud or Joe Wright award, use this link to download the nomination form: Recognize Someone for their Good Work in the Field of Environmental Education. 2024 award nominations are due by October 1st.
Send your completed nomination form along with any supporting criteria to Jaime Golba at jgolba@discoverycharter.org.
Past Award Recipients
Howard Michaud Award
Krista Daniels, Elkhart County Parks
Chris Remley, Tippecanoe County SWCD
Joe Wright Award
Jolene Freeman, Battle Ground Intermediate School
Diane Lehman, Battle Ground Intermediate School
Howard Michaud Award
Dr. Dan Shepardson, Purdue University
Cornerstone Award
Donna Rogler, Project Learning Tree
Niki Schmutte, LaPorte County Parks
Darci Zolman, Kosciusko County SWCD
Howard Michaud Award
Carol Good-Elliot, Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center at Goshen College
Joe Wright Award
Alisha Zick, Dunes Learning Center
Erica Oliver, Ball State University
Doug Waldman President's Award
Carla Gull, Inside Outside Michiana
Joe Wright Award
Rachel Woodworth, Education Outreach Specialist, DNR Fish & Wildlife
Jeff Ormiston, Allen County Parks
Cornerstone Award
Cathy Meyer, Monroe County Parks
President's Award*
*Now the Doug Waldman President's Award
Awarded to EEAI and given to Doug Waldman
Joe Wright Award
Jennifer Davies, Avon Outdoor Learning Center
Howard Michaud Award
Luke Gascho, Merry Lea Environmental Center
Cornerstone Award
New this year, to honor Sam Carman and Warren Gartner
Joe Wright Award
Robby Morgan
Nancy Duffy
Jodie Jordan
Wolf Lake Elementary School, Central Noble School District
Howard Michaud Award
Donna Stanley, Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge
Presidents Award
Vera VanderKooy, The STEM Connection
Howard Michaud Award
Presidents Award
Alison Zajdel, Cope Environmental Center
Howard Michaud Award
Paul Steury, Goshen Middle School
Joe Wright Award
Howard Michaud Award
Jan Sneddon, Earth Force
Wanda Norris, Arrow Head Country RC&D Education Committee President
Howard Michaud Award
President's Award
Howard Michaud Award
President’s Award
David Garner, Indiana State Parks and Reservoirs
Bernadette DeLeon
Joe Wright Award
Clint Kowalik, Go Fishing
Howard Michaud Award of Environmental Excellence
Paul Steury
President’s Award
Kara Salazar, IUPUI
Joe Wright Award
Krista Daniels, Elkhart County Parks
Howard Michaud Award
Paul McAfee
President’s Award
Sam Carman – DNR-Division of Forestry
Joe Wright Award
Jan Sneddon – Earth Force
David Garner – Seasonal Interpretive Naturalist, Indiana Dunes State Park
Stacy Duke – U.S. Forest Service
Howard Michaud Award
John Garner – Greencastle High School teacher
President’s Award
Niki Schmutte & LaPorte Co. Parks & Recreation Dept.
Joe Wright Award
Al Walus – General Manager of Michigan City Sanitary Dist.
Laura Moyer – LaPorte Co. Parks & Recreation Dist.
Howard Michaud Award
Mary Cutler – Tippecanoe Co. Parks & Recreation Dept. naturalist
President’s Award
Deb Sachs
Joe Wright Award
Amanda Wuestefeld, Hoosier Outdoor Heritage Coord., IN Division of Fish & Wildlife
Indiana Wildlife Federation
Howard Michaud Award
Dr. Lenore Tedesco, IUPUI
President’s Award
Jules Erwin
Joe Wright Award
Jules Erwin
Paul McAfee
Howard Michaud Award
Amanda Smith, Hamilton Co. Parks & Recreation
President’s Award
Jules Erwin
Joe Wright Award
Glen Salmon, Director, Division of Fish & Wildlife
Howard Michaud Award
Darci Zolman, Kosciusko Co. Soil & Water Conservation District
Niki Schmutte, LaPorte Co. Parks & Recreation
President’s Award
Marvin McNew, Divison of State Parks & Reservoirs
Joe Wright Award
Amanda Wuestefeld, Division of Fish & Wildlife
Howard Michaud Award
Don Van Meter, Ball State University
President’s Award
Teresa Rody, IDNR Division of State Parks & Reservoirs
Joe Wright Award
Lana Zimmer, teacher in Rensselaer
Howard Michaud Award
Warren Gartner, IDNR Division of Fish & Wildlife
President’s Award
Paul Steury, Merry Lea Environmental Center
Joe Wright Award
Jan Stout, Miami County SWCD
Howard Michaud Award
Ginger Murphy, IDNR Division of State Parks & Reservoirs
President’s Award
Paul McAfee
Joe Wright Award
Jill Pressler, LaPorte County SWCD
Joyce Weber, teacher at Parkside Elementary, LaGrange
Howard Michaud Award
Cathy Meyer, Naturalist, Monroe County Parks & Recreation Department
President’s Award
IDNR Natural Resources Education Center
Joe Wright Award
Carole Koos, teacher
Howard Michaud Award
Larry Yoder, Merry Lea Environmental Center
President’s Award
Deborah Messenger, IDNR Division of Soil Conservation
Joe Wright Award
Ruth Bender, teacher
Howard Michaud Award
Millie Redweik, teacher
President’s Award
Cathy Meyer, Naturalist, Monroe County Parks & Recreation Department
Joe Wright Award
Mary Cutler, Naturalist, Tippecanoe County Parks & Recreation Department
Howard Michaud Award
Doug Waldman, teacher at Homestead High School, Ft. Wayne
President’s Award
Darci Zolman, Kosciusko County SWCD
Joe Wright Award
Fred Walden, teacher at Spencer Elementary, Spencer
Howard Michaud Award
John Rouch, retired teacher, Fairfield High School
Joe Wright Award
Darci Zolman, Kosciusko County SWCD
Howard Michaud Award of Environmental Excellence
Sue Schlemmer, LaGrange County SWCD
President’s Award
Shelley Mitchell, Education Director, Indianapolis Zoo
Joe Wright Award
Patricia Sirk, teacher at Woodlan Jr./Sr. High School in Woodburn
Greg Gerke, Natural Resource Specialist, Marion County SWCD
Howard Michaud Award
Clyde Hibbs, retired professor, Ball State University
Recognition of Excellence
Linda Johnston, Indianapolis Clean City Committee
Susan Sheets, 6th grade teacher, Cleveland Elementary School, Elkhart
John Russell, District Wildlife Biologists, IDNR Division of Fish & Wildlife
Mark Bennett, District Wildlife Biologists, IDNR Division of Fish & Wildlife
President’s Award
Susan Schultz, Environmental Education Coordinator for the Greenfield-Central
Community Schools
Joe Wright Award*
Joe Wright, Environmental Science Consultant, IDOE
*from this point on, the “Joe Wright Award” replaces the “Recognition of Excellence” award
Howard Michaud Award
Sam Carman, IDNR Division of Forestry and CREED editor
Recognition of Excellence
Barb Moore, IDNR Division of Forestry
Mel Lennox
Susan Fowler, “Harmony of Hands”
Howard Michaud Award
Ron Dixon, Natural Resources Consultant
Recognition of Excellence
Jim Eagleman, Naturalist at Brown County State Park
Marty Alenduff, Environmental Science Consultant, IDOE
Warren Gartner, IDNR Division of Fish and Wildlife
President’s Award
Sam Carman, IDNR Division of Forestry and CREED editor
Howard Michaud Award
Dr. Marshall Parks, Indiana State University
Recognition of Excellence
Rick Glassman, St. Joseph Co. SWCD
Sheryl Meyer, Anderson Highland High School, Anderson
Howard Michaud Award
Joe Wright, IDOE
Recognition of Excellence
Lee Sauer, Auburn
Nancy Kasdorf, Fort Wayne
Frank Williams, Westlane Middle School, Indianapolis
President’s Award
Doug Waldman, Homestead High School, Ft. Wayne
Howard Michaud Award
Dr. William Eberly, Biology Dept., Manchester College
Recognition of Excellence
Karen Farlow, Auburn
Pam Sommer, teacher in Muncie
Susan Schultz, outdoor lab coordinator at Eden Elementary School, Greenfield
Howard Michaud Award
Emily Kress, principal of St. Lawrence School, Muncie
Howard Michaud Award
Howard Michaud, retired Professor of Conservation, Purdue University
Recognition of Excellence
Ned Stump, teacher at Prairie Heights High School, LaGrange
Howard Michaud Award
Cynthia Wiley, Hamilton county teacher
John Van Sickle, Marion county teacher
Recognition of Excellence
Indiana Farm Bureau
Warren Gartner, IDNR Division of Fish & Wildlife
Shelley Mitchell, IDNR Division of Forestry
Certificates of Appreciation presented to:
Darrell McGriff, Agronomist, Huntington County SCS
Jeff Cummings, Naturalist, Wyandotte Woods State Recreation Area
Ron Dixon, Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District
Howard Michaud Award
Mary Cressel, USDA Soil Conservation Service
Andrea E. Hogan, High School Junior, Greenwood*
*The Michaud award was originally to be a 2-part award: one award to an educator and one to a student, which included
a $50 savings bond. The student award was discontinued after 1987. Andrea Hogan received the Michaud award for
her environmental education science project at the Hoosier Science and Engineering Fair.
Recognition of Excellence
Jerry Sweeten, Director of Asherwood Environmental Center, Marion
Special Recognition awards presented to:
IDNR Division of Forestry
IDNR Division of Fish & Wildlife
USDA Soil Conservation Service
Certificate of Appreciation
Sam Carman, IDNR Division of Forestry
Award of Merit
Ron Dixon, Marion County SWCD
Awards Names Unknown
Herbert Montgomery, Seymour
Jim Jontz, Williamsport
Marion Community School Corporation, Marion
Prairie Heights High School, LaGrange
Indiana Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society of America
Achievement Awards
Don Winslow, Assoc. Prof. of Education, Indiana University
Audrey Tanner, 6th grade teacher at Northwestern Elementary School, Howard County
Carol Wood, 6th grade teacher, South Elementary School, Danville
Awards Names Unknown
John Moody, Indiana University Southeast
Earl Dawald, 6th grade teacher at Monmouth School in Adams county.
Awards Names Unknown
Joe Wright, EE Consultant, Indiana Dept. of Public Instruction
Clyde Hibbs, Dept. of Natural Resources, Ball State University
Certificate in Recognition of Achievement in Designing Distinguished Environmental
Study Areas
Glenn Linnert, EE Director, New Albany-Floyd Co. Schools
Howard H. Michaud, CREED editor
Douglas L. Waldman, Homestead Jr.-Sr. High School, Fort Wayne